Development of High Ambient Condensing Unit for Bulk Milk Cooling Application


  • Pull down time increases 4 to 4:30 hrs due to high ambient against 3 Hrs
  • Milk quality deteriorate by the time it reaches processing center

Current Practice

  • Existing BMC designed for 43 C ambient with suitable condensing units


  • Dairy approached Danfoss with above issue and Danfoss team in tandem with Fx Multitech developed High ambient Condensing units within required time frame


  • Pull Down achieved of 3 Hrs at 48 C ambient
  • At lower ambient pull down is further reduced below 2.5 Hrs
  • Condenser fan switch provided to save energy at lower ambient
  • Heat Recovery valves provided which saves further 23% power and pull down to 2 Hrs at 43 C amb

Product Used

  • Fx assembled Condensing unit
  • Scroll Compressor: MLZ058
  • Danfoss Line Components: Filter Drier, Sight Glass, Solenoid Valves, Globe Valves, Non Return Valves.


Testing at Customers Lab

Units Supplied by FX Multitech

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